Among accessories, handbags are one of the most popular fashion accessories. When you select a handbag, usually the bag style is the most important feature. Something else? The bag colors are your browsing options when selecting a bag.
If you are looking for the perfect handbag, you should also take all handbag parts into consideration. Most bags are made of eight parts, including the surface fabric, lining, strap, hardware, thread, glue, zipper, and button.
The bag's surface is like a person's face. When you find your favorite style, you should take a look at the handbag's surface first. A good-quality bag should have a level and smooth surface.
There are no unnecessary seams except in the design. The surface should have an even color without bubbles or exposed leather edges.
Most linings are textile or man-made materials. No matter which material is used, the color should coordinate with the handbag's surface. The lining has more seams, so the stitches should be compact without being too loose.
This is one of the most important components, especially for a certain handbag style, such as cross-body handbags. You should pay more attention to this part because it is a fragile part of the handbag.
When you purchase the handbags, check the bag strap itself to see if there is a crack and if the stitches are good or not. Check if the joint between the handbag body and strap is strong enough.
As the fashion decoration for handbags, the bag hardware plays a big role in the whole handbag. So, pay attention to the hardware design, shape, and workmanship when you are shopping for a handbag, especially if the hardware has a golden color.
No matter if there are surface threads or hidden threads, the length of stitches should be even without any thread residue. In fact, the stitch length is part of the bag design for handbag designers.
Even buttons are a minor part of the bags. A loose button can totally ruin your bag's image, so spend a bit of time checking buttons.
Those above specifications on handbag quality are also quality control checkpoints during handbag production. So, you could enjoy a long-lasting bag and check following the above suggestions.