Every season has its own charm. Spring comes in between winter and summer. The days become longer, the weather gets warmer, fresh fruits grow, and the earth awakens again. Usually, companies offer great sales and offer spring season on clothing, swimsuits, and other products. Check out the offers, deals, and coupons for the spring season.
The spring season is when empowerment starts, and one predominant purpose of this season is to become assertive.
This is a time to take steps to become more of your own person and develop your values, beliefs, and unique personality. However, this can also be a very vulnerable time for you. So, it is crucially important for you to take small steps to assert yourself at all times.
During this most vulnerable season, be careful who you hang out with. Many of you still have a low self-image and are pretty hypercritical of yourself. You probably struggle because you do not feel slim, pretty, cute, popular, or outgoing enough, given cultural standards.
It may be difficult to initially stand up for yourself. This is because you may feel so vulnerable during this season. Try to assert yourself anyway, even if you have to fake it at first. This will strengthen you for later.
When you are starting your empowerment journey, it may be difficult to assert your wants and needs. It is important for you to show others that your needs and wants are just as important as anyone else's. This will help others take you more seriously.
It may be difficult to express yourself calmly. Most of your emotions and hormones can be a bit out of control from time to time. So, it is sometimes difficult to speak your mind clearly. But try to do so as often as possible.
Some of you may be shy or unable to tell others exactly how you feel about something or to assert your true feelings about a situation or a person. This can weaken how you feel about yourself. So, it is essential for you to take steps to clearly communicate your feelings with your peers and friends at all times.
You may be paralyzed by criticism. But you cannot control what others say or do. You can only control how you react to the other person's comments. In order to become assertive, it is essential to learn how to deal with criticism. That way, if someone criticizes you, negative thinking won't become your best friend, thus further undermining your self-esteem.